Personal Ghostly Experience – Part 1

January 25th, 2007

I was in secondary school, when I lived with my aunt in Ampang. My aunt, A, had the third eye ability. That is, the ability to see ghosts. You see, because of this, she has a lot of ghost stories which I would share with everyone at a later on stage.

For clearer understandings, let me describe my house which I lived in. It is a double story house with a big porch on the front, a living room on the left side of the house (since the right side is occupied by the porch). Behind the living room, you can see a U Shape staricase (where a few steps up, there would be a platform, turning left, is a few steps then a platofrm, turning left again then a few steps up). The dining room is next to the stairway on the left. There’s also a door which leads to the kitchen (usually opened, unless my aunt is cooking) that is located just behind the dining room. Next to the kitchen is a bedroom (that is unoccupied) and a toilet.

At the back of the house, there is a small road for people to walk and opposite of my aunts house would also be houses. The second floor, the master bedroom is located on the right side with a living in the middle and two bedrooms on the left hand side which shares a common toilet. Me and my brother, sister and cousins sleep at the second room whereas the other room is occupied by my aunt B and uncle B. In totality, 9 people stayed in that house.

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Temprorarily Away

January 13th, 2007

Dear Loyal Readers,

I know its been a while since I’ve updated anything. I think its almost a week plus. Been pretty busy lately preparing for sudden changes in my life. However, I assure you SpookyCorner will be back in business by 29th onwards (I hope earlier). I have a very interesting story posted by J which I would disclose once everything has settled down. Meanwhile, stay tuned and keep your seats warm!


Spooky Corner! Boooooo….

Voices at the Cemetary

January 4th, 2007

When I was about 15 years old, studying Form 3 at a local high school, I had to take the SRP test, a local government test that all young Malaysians had to endure (back then, PMR is not introduced yet). Since I am a buddhist, I strongly believed in ghost too. You see, I have this very strange hobby which is, I like following my relatives to pay visit to my grandparent’s burial ground every year! Moreover, the year I took the SRP was and important year, therefore, it was even more important that I must go prayed so my grandparents can looked after me! This is what I believed….

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