Archive for the 'Site News' Category

On a long hiatus

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

Dear Readers,

Spookycorner is finally taking a long hiatus after receiving criticism about the recent stories getting lame by each post running out of stories to tell. We’ll be out there hunting for more stories and meanwhile, if you have one to share, please feel free to submit your stories and we’ll be sure to post them ASAP.

Sorry but this hiatus will be a long one. Let’s just hope we don’t need to hunt for long to get some interesting stories to share with everyone.

Until then,

Thank you for your continuous support!

Site Down – Spooky Corner’s Own Horror Story

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

What can be more horrifying than your own blog being listed by Google as malicious?

It started yesterday morning when I received an email by Google informing me that my site has been temporarily removed from being accessible because of being suspected as an accessory to spreading malware viruses. Of course, I was shocked. The immediate reaction was that this had to be some sort of prank or whatsoever junk mail from spammers or hackers or whoever that’s trying to get you to click on the links they have so that they can make the rest of your life as miserable as ever. But after going through the mail once again, it seemed genuine and the next course of action was taken. Innity, one of the advertising companies that Spooky Corner is signed on to happened to be the reason of this horrifying story (To Innity, thank you very much for creating this nightmare. Thank you for being irresponsible enough to ensure that its a payback time for Spooky Corner since Spooky Corner’s been scaring people for so long). For the next 48 hrs or so, Spooky Corner immediately went into some sort of horror story itself because no one could access this site.

Thank God everything is now back to normal. As how all nightmares started, they must end (otherwise it must be really really really scary). So sorry to disappoint some of the readers who have been trying to access this site since yesterday. You must have somehow stepped into Spooky Corner’s nightmare by noticing that this site has been blocked.

Hungry Ghost Festival 2010

Monday, August 9th, 2010

Dear Readers,

Another year has passed and Hungry Ghost Festival has arrived upon us once again. As much as Chinese celebrates this Hungry Ghost month 2010, Spookycorner will continue on with our own ritual which would be a long month break until the month has passed. This year, Hungry Ghost Festival happens to fall on the 10th August 2010.

Looking back, Spookycorner has been around for close to 4 years and as much as I loved sharing (and thanks to some faithful readers like Pisang, Su, Death Shisido, EDC Roch and many more of you that I can barely list for your contributions) these horrifying stories, I hope Spookycorner has served its purpose to entertain and spooked much of you people out there. However, it has been in my mind the recent weeks to decide on either stop updating Spookycorner completely or be on hiatus (probably for 6 – 12 months period).

Reason being, after so much of hearing ghost stories, the truth is I tend to spook myself silly.

I would, of course, love to hear from all of you in regards to this decision as after all, Spookycorner is all about you! So do let me know what you think

Until then…. Happy Hungry Ghost Festival 2010!
